Why You Need a Hair Transplant Now

By arya

Your hair is one of the most important parts of your overall look. For some people, having a full head of hair may not be particularly important. But for many people, your hair is one of the attributes that contribute to you looking virile, healthy, and ready to do what needs to be done. As well, there are many reasons why hair may not grow where it otherwise should. If you’re looking for more in-depth information, www.veraclinic.net is a great source to visit.

There are many places where having thick and lustrous hair is important for you. This isn’t just on your scalp, but also on your face, and even for your eyebrows. No matter why hair may not grow properly on you right now, you can rest assured that it will be following your procedure’s successful conclusion.

Damage to Your Skin

Sometimes, skin can become damaged due to all sorts of traumas. While not as common for hair transplants as a genetic tendency to have prematurely thinning hair or a disconnected beard, sometimes, injuries can sabotage your ability to grow hair in all kinds of places where it should normally be.

Almost everyone has heard of having an FUE procedure done on a person’s scalp, but this is by no means the only place where you can have hair transplanted. Your face and eyebrows can both suffer from burns, scars, or other types of damage that can cause you to not grow hair properly. Since this tends to be uneven, it can look very bad even if the overall injury was fairly minor; in much the same way as even a tiny cut on your face can end up bleeding profusely.

You may even have scars you want to cover up. Having thick hair can do wonders for covering up your scars. Getting a hair transplant procedure done can restore the thickness of your hair and let it be a great cover.

Overall Protection

Not everyone realizes this, but your scalp is vulnerable to the sun. While this is somewhat true for everyone, for people with a full head of hair,much of this vulnerability isn’t present. Restoring your hair to its full thickness all over your scalp can protect you from burns, and even from skin cancer in your scalp area.

Another type of protection that hair can provide is for your eyes. If your eyebrows have gone thin, or when they have gotten uneven and aren’t growing properly, you can end up with painful sweat dripping into your eyes. By restoring your eyebrows to lushness, you can spare this uncomfortable situation.


When your hair goes, it can seriously dent your self-image. If you see yourself as a fairly young person, but your hairline is falling back like someone twice your age, it can mess with your mind. This can impact your ability to do business confidently. It can even impact your social life.

This isn’t like gaining weight, where you can simply alter your diet and exercise more to regain a great look. When there is a problem with your body that has no natural solution, such as hair loss, it can be devastating.