Travel Writing: How to Write a Top-Notch Essay

By arya

Most people like to travel. It’s a nice opportunity to experience something new and special. When people travel, they visit various places, meet different people, and live through multiple adventures. Such experiences are necessary and even advised by many psychologists. We need something new to recover our mental strength. That is one of the reasons why professors assign to write essays on traveling.

A travel essay differs from other pieces of writing. Of course, it has the same main parts, which are:

  • Title;
  • Introduction;
  • Main plot;
  • Conclusion;
  • References;

However, the approach is quite different. First of all, it’s not really scientific research. Of course, when you describe someplace you will use official data. It is especially needed when students don’t have time to visit other locations. Nonetheless, most professors ask their students to write about any place they managed to visit. It may be a neighboring town or village, forest, and mountains, etc. Therefore, this piece of writing is rather subjective. We think it’s a good sign.

If you wish to create a top-notch paper, use professional guidelines from an essay writing service which cares about students. Here some important points to follow:

  • Use an original writing style.
  • Make proper research about the place.
  • Use capturing introduction.
  • Include specifics.
  • Use the first person perspective.
  • Make smooth transitions.
  • Specify your story.
  • Use images.
  • Avoid clichés.
  • Avoid assumptions.

Point #1

As you write an essay, which is partially scientific it is already specified. Therefore, you should reveal the story in an original manner. You are supposed to literally sweep off your reader into the place you write about. Be attentive with the details, try to describe the atmosphere of the place, write about uncommon people, customs, interesting traditions and so on. Use your creative thinking at full. Try different writing styles to define the best one that works for you.

Point #2

You cannot write your story without proper research. You should find out the slightest details about the location you are talking about. If you have visited the place yourself, it’s a huge advantage. Interview the locals and ask them questions about what makes their native city, town or village so special. Of course, you should know some standard things too. For example, learn about the history of the foundation, the number of citizens, etc. Use the power of the Internet if you have no chance to visit your dream place. It will increase the curiosity of your readers.

Point #3

To get the attraction of your readers, you are expected to write a catchy introduction. Set the general tone and offer data about the place you’ve chosen. Mention some captivating and uncommon facts. Promise that you’ll dig deeper into the matter in the main plot. Finally, use a thesis statement to clarify the importance of your research.

Point #4

As you go on, you should use the main body paragraphs at full. Nobody likes a simple enumeration of cafes and hotels of a town. You should include specifics. That’s why your research plays an essential role. Perhaps, the chosen location has some intriguing and mystical history and legends. The native folk may have some original and a bit of weird customs. Mention all the facts you can gather. Of course, you should tell about the most interesting places to visit (restaurants, museums, exhibitions, etc.), special food, entertainment and so on.

Point #5

This special piece ought to be written from a first-person perspective. You should write about the place you’ve been to or wish to visit. Therefore, it is your own experience. To make the story real, you should use a first-person perspective. Thus, your readers will understand how close your story is and will possibly feel the same feelings that you felt.

Point #6

Your story should be easy to read. Therefore, make the structure run smoothly and logically. Every transition to the next part must be logically related to the previous one. Enhance the flow and make it consistent. You should not make any flashbacks. You cannot write about a logical sequence of events and suddenly return to the past.

Point #7

Your narration is supposed to sound natural. Accordingly, avoid formal language and clichés. You should impress your readers with the originality. Make creative descriptions and explanations. Find your own voice and stick to it. Don’t be repeatable and don’t use stereotypes.

Point #8

To make the story catchier, use visualizations. They have a great impact and help the readers to understand your descriptions better. Some people are not able to imagine some places, houses, sceneries reading descriptions. This is when images may help. After you describe some location, add an appropriate image. This method makes the stories livelier.

Point #9

You ought to make your story really specific. Don’t repeat one of the common mistakes of travel essays. Many inexperienced writers give a full description of a concrete city or village. You should focus on something extraordinary. It may be a separate part of the city, which is very uncommon and intriguing. Build your writing strategy around that part.

Point #10

You should say no to assumptions. It is important to be honest and write only the true facts about a place. In case, you don’t know something about that place do not assume you know it. Write about things, events, and facts you really know and understand. Otherwise, your readers will be disappointed.