Words from a lover to her valentine are something like that. Messages have been sent to the special ones by the people for more than a century. Around 1900 in England first paper Valentines were printed. During middle of the 20th century, the traditional gifts were Roses, Boxes of chocolates and Poems was used to send to someone special. The tradition is still alive.
Even if you are married for years or for the first time you are celebrating Valentine s day. If not a poet or writer, most of the people end up with the scrambled paper when writing a message, poem or even some simple sweet messages. In one word it is “Challenging”
Don’t worry for those people and since you are here hence for you, we have made it easy to do so as we have collected the best cute messages, lines quotes etc. for sending to the perfect half of you. Go through all the lines and pick the one that suits you the best or to your case.